Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Storm has to pass through

Every smile was a facade, every touch a deceit, In your arms, I found solace, but it was all bittersweet. Promises whispered in the dark, now echo with regret, As I face the harsh reality of the lies you can't forget.

You thought you could fool me, but the truth will always shine, I won't let your deception define this heart of mine. Though scars may linger, I'll emerge from the pain, Stronger than before, I'll dance in the rain.

Oh, I'm drowning in the tears that you've caused, Betrayed by the love that I thought was so strong. Now I'm picking up the pieces of my shattered trust, Finding strength in the pain, rising from the dust.

I'll move on from your lies, leaving the past behind, For in the ashes of betrayal, a new love I'll find. With each step forward, I reclaim my own worth, And in the end, it's me who'll rise from the earth.

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