Saturday, January 8, 2011


You will know love when the mind is very still free from its search for gratification and escapes. First, the mind must come entirely to an end. Mind is the result of thought, and thought is merely a passage, a means to an end. When life is merely a passage to something, how can there be love? Love comes into being when the mind is naturally quiet, not made quiet, when it sees the false as false and the true as true. When the mind is quiet, then whatever happens is the action of love, it is not the action of knowledge. Knowledge is mere experience, and experience is not love. Experience cannot know love. Love comes into being when we understand the total process of ourselves, and the understanding of ourselves is the beginning of wisdom.
~ J. Krishnamurti
from his talk in Madras, Feb. 5th 1950
Taken from

Wondering whether am confused or not..whether I love you or not..but after some instances I know that you will be there for me forever..

I don't know whether you can feel that I love you or not but yes I know you love me very much leaving all that confusion part behind..I feel it that it is true love because..

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”

Judy Garland quotes

You were the person to understand me so perfectly..I feel very safe there in your arms..I feel all my pains gone when I am holding your hands..I feel away from this whole wide world when I look at your eyes..I feel hypnotised..I feel you say.. " not worry am always there for you..and no one can ever harm you once you are there with me.."

You have accepted me with all my troubles..with my present ..with my mistakes which are truly grave..I never wanted anything to hide from you..I want you to prioritise every single thing about me and then take the right decision..I know I was wrong that day..If I would not have wanted..nothing could have happened..But I do not know..I WAS ACTING LIKE A GOAT !!!!

I do not follow my own blogs the great ones which told everyone to love yourself and all other things..I know am wrong...rather I was wrong..I AM SORRY..ekdum DILSE..

Do not know whether I can sustain myself or not..or whether at all you will accept me or not..but today I know that am calm down inside and can handle any hurdle now..NOW THAT I KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU.. and I really do..

You are a sweetheart and always will..whether you will be there with me holding my hands or not..but I'll cherish all that fond memories that was and hopefully..will be there...forever in my mind...

"I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what love is for me; Love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love os feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you."

All that I know is that I LOVE YOU FROM THE CORE OF MY HEART!


  1. well going through all your thoughts... i wud jst lyk to post a hindi poem of mine whch also depicts sm part of ur sayng in a poetic manner... a girl's thought..

    मैं हमेशा खो जाती हूँ
    फिर ढूंढती हूँ खुद को
    सबके दरवाज़े खटखटाती हूँ
    पर कहीं नहीं मिलती...
    दम घुटता तो है
    पर तलाश जारी है अपनी

    कभी-कभी तब यूँ ही
    बचपन की कहानी याद आती है
    'अकेले कहीं मत जाना
    वरना बूढ़ा बाबा
    अपनी झोली में पकड़ कर ले जायेगा ...'
    सोचती हूँ -
    कब निकली बाहर !
    कब ले गया बूढ़ा बाबा मुझे !
    हँसते हो ?
    क्या कहा .
    ये मेरा भ्रम है , बुद्धू हूँ मैं ?
    अगर सच में ये मेरा भ्रम है
    तो मैं कहाँ हूँ
    कहाँ हूँ !!
