Saturday, February 17, 2024

MONEY vs Today's meaning of LOVE

In a world where greed holds sway, 
Money emerges, bright as day. 
A hero clad in green and gold, 
With power vast, its story's told.

It battles falsehood, love untrue, 
With wealth as its armor, strong and true. 
While fake love whispers sweet deceit, 
Money's might will not retreat.

It builds empires, towers tall, 
While fake love crumbles, doomed to fall. 
For in the end, when masks are shed, 
True intentions are laid bare, blood-red.

Yet money, though it reigns supreme, 
Cannot buy love, a fleeting dream. 
For in the heart, true treasures lie, 
Beyond the reach of gold that's high.

So let us heed this timeless tale, 
Of money's might and love's travail. 
For while riches may dazzle bright, 
True love shines on, a guiding light.

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