Friday, April 8, 2011

..I LoVeD YoU A LoT..

Suddenly missing my grandpa a lot... Many things I wanted to tell you. I could not. Many things i did. I should not have done. I loved you. I love you. And I will love you.
Missing your voice your voice your touch. I have become very lonely with the absence of your love.

Your room is all so empty without you. Your Radio does not pitch up by the famous Akashvani music that used to destroy my sleep early in the morning.
Your tuitions in maths and Bengali I miss so much. Your way of reading that famous poem witthen by Rabindranath Tagore which made you cry while reading it.. it used to make me cry too. Not because it had such a sad ending but only because you were crying.

Today am alone. I know you can see it.
You must be worried as well as proud of me for standing up so tall everytime I fell.

But sometimes I am scared to face the truth and reality and just laugh and smile... It Hurts.

I love you a lot.

I am sorry.

And I miss you.

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