Wednesday, May 4, 2011 OnE kNoWs ThE ReALiTy Of OtHeRs..

Its hard to explain to people why do they react in an odd manner sometimes. Circumstances make them behave in that way. They are bound to behave in such a manner ! They cannot explain it to others as to the reason behind their sudden behaviour.

Some Pain that they carry alongwith...some deep sorrows that they cannot come out with. Cannot explain it to them, who do not understand !
Cause if they speak...the whole world will fall apart !

He cannot say anything..why how for what ???
But all that he can say is that he has something within him that forces him to keep quiet.
He has this within him & always will keep it within himself.
It will die with him.
And no one will ever come to know.

He knows people will be angry..will be ashamed..will even stop talking..take him to be the rudest of the RUde !!! But he will never speak a word..N E V E R..

"Till then I will be the worst person ever... who has committed a grave crime..I am ready to face such a statement too...But am not ready to break down their Lives..!!! Never..."

- My dear Ol' always there for are very brave and even if the world never comes to know but I know what you have gone through. I Love you very much and I will love you always being at your side. You do not know how lucky I am to be your friend. GOD will never do anything bad to you..take it from me. You are HIS favourite child !!!! Yes you are !

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