Wednesday, March 23, 2011

" I Feel Her Right There.. "

"I Feel It Right there... Right there.. somewhere inside the mind... or inside the brain... inside the hallway of subconciousness.. or the concious part of the mind... or anywhere under me... within
me... I feel it then and there... Cannot control her.. cannot make her understand... She resides within me right from the dark days of the Past... she was there during each and every step of my life..."
She made her what she was then...The girl who loves to lose control to get what she wants..can say what she wants .. can come out of the pressure which is made just for her to keep her under wraps..the wraps which used to suffocate her .. keep her quite..
She could not speak..could not stand up against the wrong.. was just another puppet..
She was always made to do what she did not want to do..
She is tired of being the soft spoken and good girl around.. She was told that she does not like it.. By whom??? The very Girl who is within her...the Girl whom she feels...talks to... her companion...her soul-buddy..whom she cannot let go! Not now..When she feels her taking her own others did.. she did not like it at other time.. the time when someone took away her friend..her sister... another took her love.. and most of all her voice to speak up..but this time she liked it..liked being in control by someone so great..It felt great..!!! Felt great !!!

She found her voice at last..
Sometimes its Good For You To Be Bad..!!!


  1. hey nice post!!! loved it.... specially d last line
    "Sumtyms its gud 4 U 2 B Bad"!!!! very true... particularly in indian scenario where parents, teachers, society frm early childhood start gvng d rule book with donts and should to b a gud person... den at sm point really der cms a tym wen ur mind screams lyk anythng nd want to escape frm dis "good - good" image and want to explore d donts frgttng everythng abt d shd part....

    Nice thgt... hv gn through 1 article sm days back... Hope u will lyk dat, its d link:

    jst wanna conclude by sayng :
    GO Ahead and be bad!!!! bcz ultimate thng is happiness nd mr dan dat Peace of mind... !!!

  2. It was a great article Nayna...I just loved it..thank you..
