Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If I could think less.....[sigh]

What could it be like if a person actually could think less.. hmm.. lets see.. thinking less = less emotions = (not)ME ..

All in the brains.. looks like when God made me He actually fell fast asleep while the bottle of emotions poured and poured and poured !!! Sounds horrible..!!!

Believe me folks a person who has emotions filled up to the brim has no place in this fast and furious world.. You have to be careless, selfish, cruel and all so called negative sets of emotions that a person could ever have !

What could be the process ?? Simply think less and do not think of others. Do not place yourself on others shoes.. Its you that has to fight in this big clumsy world!
The concept of : The survival of the fittest actually prevails. And there are no place for emotional fools like us..



  1. Dear Sohini!!!
    Your wrytng is superb ... ur each blog give a new subject to my thought process,... abt dis particular blog jst wanna say one thng ;

    "Your mind is your friend. Spend quality time with it."

    By Quality time i just mean : Prioritize d ppl who r wrth of ur emotions nd abt d rest....

    Do less thinking,
    and pay more attention to your heart.

    But one mr thng Survival of fittest may seem profitable in shrt term bt as per me its nt substainable... rather bng an emotional fool (fr sm choosen 1) is a bit better nd sustainable way!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dear Nayna,
    I am so haappy that you like my blogs..
    And for the phrase..survival of the...It is completely my thought ..maybe someday the world will prove that its not sustainable..:))

  4. Dear Mind Current,
    Is it that everytime you write something you delete your comment??? But nevertheless, thanks for reading my blog...:))
