Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Well...for long...people think what is LOVE...??
Some people think that its when you feel for someone...some say that it is when you can spend your entire life with someone..but you realise that these are but Short Term definitions of LOVE....well if you wanna ask me...then I can only say..that love has no real varies from person to person....well lets start like this...that for a parent love means long term gains of their children...for a lover , love means...falling for that person everytime you meet him/ make them happy in future and that becomes their one and only wish....for a child..the smile in their parent's cheeks are the only thing they crave for..for a pet...a small pat is all they want...which tells them ultimately that they love him too...

Time and again..we get confused as to whether the other person loves us or not..or that whether we love that person or not!!!
To this may be I can ask you only one question..that whether we think same for our parents??? We never ask such question regarding our parents..cause we know its baseless..after all we cannot make them seperate..!!! Or be the reason behind their divorce..!!! This question is baseless cause we just trust them....In a relation ..the one important thing is the word TRUST..Without this word no relation can sustain itself for matter how hard they try..

So only one request to those who are confused about their life and love....just trust yourself..believe in your self..and trust your love..and most of the lord...he definitely has something in store for you...


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