Thursday, March 18, 2010

AM I ON TRACK...????

People sometimes find weird things happening in their lives.. .. which is inexplicable ... sometimes many a things happen in your life which you do which always remains a big big question mark above your small head..sometimes you feel "Oh GOD..!!! What have I done...???" and sometimes.."Is dis ME..?" But the main thing that we forget is that...Its already over...!!! Everything is done...and there's no moving back and solving it in the past...rather we can look through it and mend our future...!!!

A true proverb which was taught to us long back...the outer meaning is understood by all of us...dats y we all ...rather the society wants us to be punctual always....but what about the inner meaning of the whole thing...?? Rather...lets put it like this...Does this have a deeper meaning unto it...??? Hmmm....May be...
Why not take it like this...???
If time waits for none...and this be the great Law Of Nature....,Why should we stop acting in our life...???..Just by waiting for someone...??? Not even a flower stops its fragrance from coming out just with the fear of whithering the next day...even while dying it mesmerizes us with its wonderful fragrance...So why should we...???
Everyone's scared of failure....But why not try once...??? Why not live your life once again..?
Why not just smile and share joy...and happiness...smiling makes us live another day of our life...another chance to live witth our loved ones who loves us....too much...

Conclusion should be nice...thats what my friend here says...Let me introduce...its Anjum...
So here it is...

No one deserves your tears...and the one who do...will not make you CRY....!!!

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