Monday, October 15, 2012

What Is True What is not True...

"You will have bad times,
but they will always
wake you up to the stuff
you weren’t paying attention to."

-Robin Williams

 I am living in a world of Illusion and hate to be a Part of Reality as I know that when I wake up I will find the ugly truths of Life....My Life....

I know that whatever is happening around me is not at par with my belief. But still.... I would always like to believe that I am living happily in my own sweet world..
A world where everyone is happy and jolly
A world where dreams and wishes come true
A world where I am with my LOVE
No one to stare...No one to conspire...No one to argue...No one to tell me that I am wrong...
Just me and my dreams of fulfillment....

Is there any such world...where there is love overpowering hatred
A world where Love is all that we give each other
A world where GOD prevails

Our whole life consists of decision making.
What is right and what is wrong and accordingly make choices..
But who decides what is right and what is wrong..???
One of my friend truly declares that there is nothing wrong in anything we do... It just needs to be at par with our happiness...
I say happiness YES...but should be longterm happiness...

From my childhood days I have always dreamt of TRUE love

Do not know whether I had achieved that or not but there are certain impurities with them too...

Society : Give a damn to them... I know my decision can affect others as well... but we also have to understand that their decision also can affect our lives in a much worst ways...

If there is love there is always a way...
Always a better future ....Always a key that will open up the rusted door ...The door that can end hatred within people... A light that will destroy the evilness that prevails within the souls of the 'learned'

Choices as rightly said , is humanly. All depends on an individual.

As Master  Hookway rightly told Po....

"Quit ??? Don't QUIT....
Noodles dont noodles..
You are too concerned with what was and what will be ...
There is a saying ...

Yesterday is History...Tomorrow is a Mystery but Today is a Gift...that is why it is called a PRESENT...!!!"

Wake up my Friend...Wake up and Find your Destiny !!!!

Lastly, a quotation that touched a part of me...

"We gallop through our lives like circus performers balancing on two speeding side-by-side horses-one foot is on the horse called “fate” the other on the horse called “free will”. And the question you have to ask everyday is, Which horse is which? Which horse do I need to stop worrying about because it’s not under my control, and which do I need to steer with concentrated effort?  "

Elizabeth Gilbert

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