Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If I could think less.....[sigh]

What could it be like if a person actually could think less.. hmm.. lets see.. thinking less = less emotions = (not)ME ..

All in the brains.. looks like when God made me He actually fell fast asleep while the bottle of emotions poured and poured and poured !!! Sounds horrible..!!!

Believe me folks a person who has emotions filled up to the brim has no place in this fast and furious world.. You have to be careless, selfish, cruel and all so called negative sets of emotions that a person could ever have !

What could be the process ?? Simply think less and do not think of others. Do not place yourself on others shoes.. Its you that has to fight in this big clumsy world!
The concept of : The survival of the fittest actually prevails. And there are no place for emotional fools like us..


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lost myself....anyone found me?????

Sad but the truth pricks when you find yourself lost! Where are you? Under the bed? Under the pillow? Forgot yourself at school.. college.. workplace.. at your neighbour's place? At your lover's arms? Where..? Where can you be? Where????? You get tensed..!
You go and ask every person you know can help you find your SELF ! But they seemed to have other better works to do!
"Seriously..why will they! Its my fault..! MY OWN.. Why will I bother them..??

You get depressed as the day passes..
The evening seems to be so depressing and boring without your SELF..
The night seems to haunt you..

"What will I tell my parents..??? They loved my 'SELF' so much..and they will be furious if I tell them that I've been stupid and careless enough to lose myself..!! THE PRECIOUS SELF ! The SELF without which I am a No One! and to everyone I am that Someone!!"

Tears starts to roll down! and then.....then....You cry out aloud !

Where shall I run?
What will I do?
How will I sustain my body without my SELF ???"

No where to run, no where to go you just sit down with a thud ! Look up at the sky..!!!

"Please Lord ! Please help me find my SELF.. I'll do anything if you help me find my SELF ! Please...Please...Please..."

You fall down on your knees crying...
Drops of tears fell down on the dry soil underneath and it felt nourished!

Suddenly you hear a VOICE...a VOice calling out your name...
You look at every side!
No one to be look down again..when you hear the voice again !
You look up at the sky and there you find the day brighter!
You look around you! The place looks wonderfully beautiful! The flowers seems to be so bright and gay-blooming with youth and vigour!!
The butterflies seems to be so happy!
The grass was greener than before !
Everything was so quite.. so serene.. so beautiful.. !
The voice said your SELF is around you! Find your SELF ! You'll definitely find IT ! Look at the flowers if they have something to offer YOU... the butterflies and the grasses.. ask everyone around you at this time to find YOU.. Nature will never let you down..

You ask the voice..

"What do you mean? I've asked every single person out one was able to help me..and these things will help me find my SELF? Don't they have other things to bother about?"

The voice replied..

"You silly girl..
You were asking the DEAD SOULS to find YOU..!!!
They themselves has lost them SELVES !! How will they help you? Poor SOULS !
And the worst being the fact that they do not even know that..!
Atleast you my child have been thoughtful enough to know that you have lost your SELF ..but the others ..! What about them?
I do not know what will happen tomorrow..
But I know that until and unless all the people out here loses their SELVES the world will be there for you to live ! "

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer.

~Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet