Tuesday, January 18, 2011

..LiFe AfTeR DeAtH..!!!!

Ghosts, Satans, Angels, Demons, Vampires all awes me.. Are they real??? Or its just another story.. But on one thing I strongly agree..and that is 'LIFE AFTER DEATH' Fascinating.. All the protestants may protest against me... But people has the right to express their feelings..!! So am I doing.. Life after death or in English language what you call Reincarnation is a debatable topic. It has its own pros and cons..!! Scientists are still working out to find the truth! With many Near Death Experiences (NDE) to study on, the reincarnation studies are turning out to be positive. Many instances have shown that people has had similar NDE experience. They often say about going through a dark tunnel with a light at the end ! Other experience narrations tells us that could actually see their own body as their soul was out of their body. One patient at a hospital even had told his Doctor whatever was done on him during an operation operated on him. He was unconcious then..due to anaesthesia..

Dr. Kenneth Ring, a brilliant young professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut, "published a paper in the Journal of Near Death Studies (Summer, 1993) concerning near-death experiencers who, while out of their bodies, witness real events that occur far away from their dead body. The important aspect to this phenomenon is that these events seen far away are later verified to be true. Experiencers not only witness events from great distances, but they have been documented to hear conversations between people at the same events. Conversations such as these have also verified to be true. An even more fascinating phenomenon occurs when the experiencer actually appears in spirit to someone, usually a loved one, during their NDE and it is verified to be true by the experiencer and the loved one. It is evidence such as this, if scientifically controlled, that can provide absolute scientific proof that consciousness can exist outside of the body. A scientifically controlled NDE that can be repeated which provides such evidence would be the scientific discovery of all time. However, science does not yet have the exact tools to accomplish this. But, science is coming very, very close. This kind of evidence and others provide very strong circumstantial evidence for the survival of consciousness. "

Some outstanding experiencers as told by Dr. Ring :

Rev.George Rodonaia underwent one of the most extended cases of a near-death experience ever recorded. Pronounced dead immediately after he was hit by a car in 1976, he was left for three days in the morgue. He did not "return to life" until a doctor began to make an incision in his abdomen as part of an autopsy procedure.

An anecdotal example of evidence that a person's consciousness leaves and returns to their body during an NDE comes from the research of Dr. Melvin Morse. Olga Gearhardt was a 63 year old woman who underwent a heart transplant because of a severe virus that attacked her heart tissue. Her entire family awaited at the hospital during the surgery, except for her son-in-law, who stayed home. The transplant was a success, but at exactly 2:15 am, her new heart stopped beating. It took the frantic transplant team three more hours to revive her. Her family was only told in the morning that her operation was a success, without other details. When they called her son-in-law with the good news, he had his own news to tell. He had already learned about the successful surgery.
At exactly 2:15 am, while he was sleeping, he awoke to see his Olga, his mother-in-law, at the foot of his bed. She told him not to worry, that she was going to be alright. She asked him to tell her daughter (his wife). He wrote down the message, and the time of day and then fell asleep. Later on at the hospital, Olga regained consciousness. Her first words were "did you get the message?" She was able to confirm that she left her body during her near-death experience and was able to travel to her son-in-law to communicate to him the message.
This anecdotal evidence demonstrates that the near-death experience is a return to consciousness at the point of death, when the brain is dying. Dr. Melvin Morse thoroughly researched Olga's testimony and every detail had objective verification including the scribbled note by the son-in-law.

A must see about people born blind can see..

Are they lying ?? Or are they true.. Hard to say as we do not believe on certain matters until and
unless we don't experience it ourselves. Reincarnation if proved by scientists can open up our minds to such an extent where we will never be scared of death, crime will come to a fag end as we will know if such instances are proved in reality then its not far off when scientists will prove the existence of GOD...!!!

Hope I live till that day...!!!!

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