Friday, March 22, 2024

Lost And Self FOUND

In the shadows of my mind, they linger still,
Ghosts of moments past, haunting, yet so real.
Memories like whispers, echoing in the night, 
A tapestry of joy, sorrow, and delight.

I grasp onto them, reluctant to let go, 
Each one a piece of me, a tale to bestow. 
The laughter, the tears, the love that once burned bright, 
In the labyrinth of my past, they take flight.

But holding on too tightly, I start to suffocate,
Trapped in a web of what-ifs and fate. 
For the past is a river, flowing ever on, 
And clinging to its banks, I find I'm drawn.

Yet amidst the currents, a lesson I find, 
To cherish the past, but not be confined. 
For life is a journey, both forward and back,
And in letting go, I find the strength to unpack.

So I'll treasure each moment, but release the chains, 
Embracing the future, where hope remains. 
For in the dance of time, I'll take my chance,
And find beauty in both the past and the expanse.