Sunday, December 31, 2017

Forgotten a Life that we are supposed to live...

Do not know when I had gone through this site of mine . Created this way back- I don't even know when!! But I had created this for a purpose. I will tell you the story of it.. Interested !! If not then you always have the option to move on.. But just give it a try listening to me.. :) I created this Blog so that maybe I pen down or rather type down my feelings thoughts into this .. and feel better and my nosy Mom does not have to find and read up my diary ! ;)

Today I feel so low !! ---- All because of a stupid person who is supposed to be my supervisor my boss who keeps on flushing down his toxic waste on me and I have to bear up with that awful smell!! :D Well I will keep on with it till the time I'm covered with it - just waiting for the right time to wash myself . I will surely treat myself with something nice .!

There has been so many things that has happened to me in these years.
The most beautiful things amongst which is a cute friend who is not Old as everyone thinks !! Just 4 years older to me and who has changed me so much that I want to redo myself and be happy once again leaving all my pain from my childhood behind me . There is nothing which he doesn't know about me and there's nothing that I don't know about him  be it the worst parts of his life which is supposedly not to be shared with anyone We share a beautiful relation of love and friendship , a bond that is easily not broken even by harsh winds and wild storms !!

People come and ask me Why HIM ?? There are so many options around you !! Look at yourself !! Smart beautiful and independent !! Why you have lots of options Just look around

I say ! Options??? Who needs them !! I've got the beautiful person if not the best!!
And God has shown me the path ! And I thank him a ton !

Coming back to my post ! We all in our daily life have been doing or experiencing so much pain or problems . I have been in my childhood been taught that the problems in your life is not to be shared
I have had problems with my so called family member not mother father but someone else and my mom supposedly knew about It but she kept on saying that you should not speak out or else "Their Life" might get ransacked and , just hold on... It will be all because of me !! How beautiful !
I had this Boss and an office life which I have begun to dislike ( its a very small word - right word would be fearful, scared to my tits bits ) I have told my mom about it  , she started being panicky !!
Not her fault , its the fault of the environment where she has been all these life

I love her and dad so much - my fault ?? Cannot express !
My mom has a problem in the way that I lead my life .. even my sis - not their fault .. again they don't understand the essence of it ! I completely respect it . Its their concern that keeps them worried and why not !! I have not done all things good and my fault is that I did not try to stop my wrong doings to come infront of my parents ! I could had easily but did not . But that does not mean that am wrong in everything

As rightfully said what have I done in these years !! Nothing at all ! I want to mark my life . I have decided that Ill lead my life according to my own terms and conditions and will lead it to the best of my capability !

I will make use of myself in building up my own Life that I am supposed to live and not crib for a second !

That I promise myself and I know God will be there beside me always !
Love you !! :)))