Monday, August 20, 2012


Days pass by.. and she does not know where was she going to... May be this is the end of HER as a person.. She does not have the strength anymore to move on.. Everything seems to have come to an end... her wishes..her dreams.. her belief.. All she wanted was to hallucinate her dreams just to let this end be peaceful.. mind all that she is thinking of and is doing quite well by now...She just needs to throw past all the things that makes her weak and which stops her from doing things which she needs to do...

Sometimes when she looks at her present life..she feels she has lost so much..her smiles her laughter..her silly jokes...her shouting...her silly silly and really silly burst out of emotions...her madness...her wildness...everything...she feels caged up in a dark room where the only person that seems alive with her is her heart...her own self...and her faith..she does not know where is she going..where is that person sitting above is leading her to...but still she has that faith on which she can believe that person sitting above and carefully watching her....
Somewhere down there in her heart she knows its all turning up to be a mess...but what can she do..All the dreams have been shattered...she has no more wishes other than the fulfillment of her Lord's wish..that's it..then the end will she devour peacefully...JUST PEACEFULLY...