Sunday, December 26, 2010


If saying goodbye hurts so much, why do we say goodbye? Because it hurts so much more to keep holding on to something that isn't there. Like you're hanging off a ledge and someone is jumping up and down on your hands but you still can't let go. Like when you're little and you're being shout for it to stop because it's torture, but then you go back for more, because somehow being tickled makes you feel safe and special. Holding on is like that...but the torture is painful...and it doesn't make you smile. That's why we're supposed to say goodbye. That's why we're meant to let go..

Why do we do it then ? When we know that there are so many happiness waiting for us? Maybe because we fear the future.. Maybe because we feel the pain when we think about the special person in our life that we so dearly feel as our own.. That is the intoxication that blends with our soul.. and then we feel the pain and the feeling makes us proud of ourself..that we had loved a person so dearly..but without any boundations..
Feeling lonely is a way to be with yourself..A way to love yourself..A way to empathise yourself..To cry along.. To have a best friend along...YOU !!

You become the best philosopher ever.. giving recommendations and helping out people with a terrific wonderful solution.. But alas!! when it comes back to you...??? You fail so badly!!
I have no regrets for being lonely even that I have so many friends to be with and who are with me during my days of thick and thin.. The hollowness that have been created after so many many years have never been filled
I have decided to fill it with laughter and smiles.. so that people who loves me can atleast smile at my smile..!!

"You hug him good-bye like it's nothing... While all you want to do is hold on forever. But you let go, smile and walk away. Then cry all the way home, because you know it will never be the same. Because, try as you might, you can't make someone love you. Sometimes you have to let them be free. And letting go... That is when love hurts the most of all.."

I will miss you not know whether I will stay here with you physically or not..but will always be present mentally..But today I promise you one thing..the day you need me just close your eyes and call me..I will be there with you...and you will find me just beside you..physically..!!!! I PROMISE..!!!

And now a qoute to end with..
"Sometimes there are things in our life that aren't meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want. Sometimes change is what we really need. And sometimes saying goodbye is the hardest thing you think you'll ever have to do, but sometimes it's saying 'hello again' that breaks you down and makes you the most vulnerable person you'll ever know. Sometimes change is too much to bear, but most of the time change is the only thing saving your life."

This is just for you..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Khoya Khoya Chand Rehta Hai

My favourite song since childhood...and till now...Love this song like anything else..And I hope you love this one too...Especially for that person in my life about whom am so confused...!!! May you have all the peace and happiness in your life..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

" I'm in a sea of illusion
Washed in confusion and pretence,
I thought that I was a winner
Now you weaken my defence
I feel the storm inside
There's so much I should say
But I can't find the way

I'm sick of looking in the mirror twice
When I need reminding who I am
You got those eyes that look right through me

You are the only one who hears my cries
You bring me from the darkness to the light
I'm swimming against the tide
You can calm the storm inside

These changes have to be violent
I have been silent for so long
You gave me back my own voice now
I have no choice but to go on

Tomorrow never comes
The past gets in the way
I'm stuck here and today?
..You can calm..
The Storm Inside..
The Storm Inside.. "

- The Storm Inside Lyrics by Laura Michelle Kelly

Starting off with this beautiful lyrics.
A song which describes to the phase am going through...
This basically is a song dedicated to the Almighty above..I long to have Him by my side..
Who knows where He is and whether at all He is looking at me..
But whatever might be I just hope that He comes to my rescue as fast He can..
Waiting for you Dear Lord !!..Come Soon!