Monday, April 26, 2010


Hmm.. interesting topic for today.. which I face almost everyday here at Guwahati. As usual we'll start of by a real time definition... A storm (from Proto-Germanic *sturmaz "noise, tumult") is any disturbed state of an astronomical body's atmosphere, especially affecting its surface, and strongly implying severe weather. It may be marked by strong wind, thunder and lightning (athunderstorm), heavy precipitation, such as ice (ice storm), or wind transporting some substance through the atmosphere (as in adust storm, snowstorm, hailstorm, etc).
Nature explains human mind and its disturbances...How true it is..! The same definition lies for a human behaviour also, whenever it is in its turbulent behaviour! Before a Storm happens within us, cloud appears within us..strong dark clouds surround our mind and heart.. Storm frightens some, but also soothes people's heart and mind..
Tagore said "botshorer aborjona..dur hoye jak jak jak..esho esho..esho hey boishakh esho esho"
[ years of clogged trashes will go away after this storm..come o storm]
Welcome the storm whole heartedly whether be it in your heart or there at your city, cause this will only make your heart lighter and your city cleaner and fresher!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mood Swings...

What are Mood Swings?

Mood swings are characterized by a drastic change in emotion from one side of the spectrum to the other. If one moment someone is contentedly going about their daily tasks, and the next moment is suddenly upset, irritated or downright hostile, they may suffer from mood swings.

It is completely normal to experience the wide range of negative emotions like anger, irritability, tearfulness and sadness that affect us all from time to time. But when out of control mood swings start to affect our ability to function properly in jobs or personal relationships, they become an issue worth addressing.

[ taken from ]

Well we've got hold of what do we really mean by mood swings..thru a google search...that is..

Now you all might be wondering why have I provided this definition for...!!! Well folks today I'm gonna talk to you about my part of life...yup!!! Mood swing that is..many of my friends have stated why have I stopped writing blogs of late..well to tell u'll the truth...I did'nt have the urge to write down a few all depends on mood you which I heavily depend on..!!! On the contrary, I did not find a topic worth writing about... Today I got one..when one of my friend very near and dear to me had told me that this mood swing of mine is irritating a lot of people lately.. True to some extent..may be it is somewhat very irritating for a person to bear another with such a truce. Not further comlaining of such a matter lets get forward with our topic of discussion today...

Well I should tell you'll what really do I feel when such a thing happens..Its really irritating at that time..I feel as if I sitting on the 100th floor of HELL..!! GOD help anyone who comes to talk to me at that moment of time..

But later on I really feel low but happy too..these incidents make me grin at times..

Well but to converge all..I want to but say sorry to all for my behaviour at times..Im really sorry if I've ever hurt you all through my beahviour...

The above lines are the reasons as to my irratic behaviour ..!!!!