Monday, February 22, 2010

Today is 22nd of February...Literally so many days has passed by...nothing seems to change..I am the same person and overall the same human being..But the thing that has changed is that I have changed myself..and stopped worrying about the future...its so disastrous when you are'nt happy with your surroundings...I pray to GOD that whatever that has happened to me never ever happens to anyone else in his/her lifetime. I'm scared of what might happen in the long run..I'm scared of even dreaming of my future...but the thing is really funny....the more I think that I am scared of the future happenings...the more I begin to remember the things. My life...My events...My family...everything has some or the other worst part and twists...but while being in my role for the past 23 years, Ive atleast realised one thing...that you get whatever you its better that you think of the positive side of everything...

For the past 4 years I've groomed myself to be someone stronger....mentally....and not someone who works according to some people's whims and wishes...again there is something else that we need to harp upon...and that is BE INDEPENDENT...and you'll find that respect really comes from hard work...which should be everyone's cup of tea...!! The ultimum that you have to reach irrespective of anything that you do in your day to day life leads to only one reason...and that is TO BE HAPPY....and so shall it be...!!!!